Monday, October 15, 2012

On Losing 'The Baby Weight'

Wasn't this a hot topic in the news recently? When I Googled it, 9 stories came up from the last month. Celebrities' post-baby bodies are always being scrutinized. So I'm going to scrutinize my own... that's a pretty normal mommy thing to do, right?
Can I tell you a funny 'new mommy' moment of mine? When I went to the hospital to have my first baby, I packed a pair of my regular (slightly loose) jeans to wear home from the hospital. Yeah, that was a depressing realization! I didn't fit back into them for almost two months after giving birth, and even then I looked like a popped can of biscuits! Here is a picture of me when I was about 36 weeks with Miss Princess...

I gained 30 pounds during my first pregnancy... pretty healthy right? My worry was getting my pre-baby body back. Let me tell you something folks... ITS GONE. Even though I lost almost 50 pounds after this pregnancy, there are just some body parts that- without medical help- will be gone forever.
Wanna know the funny part of the story? With my second pregnancy, I was at the same ending weight as with my first... yep, a 50 pound weight gain the second time around! Here is me almost half way through #2...
Crappy self-portrait, I know!

Amazing how different two pregnancies in the same body can be, right?  And don't worry. The second time around, I packed SWEATS to wear home from the hospital. :)
I guess my weight gain-loss-gain-loss story is backward from most. I was pretty hefty when I graduated high school, and was still a tad bit heavier that I wanted to be when I got married, but after having kids, I am now at my goal weight. How often does that happen? Sure, I still have quite a bit of toning up to do, but that is a slow and steady process now with two munchkins running around. I think that's why I lost the weight with so little effort; my drastic change in eating and activity after becoming a mom. When I was working full time, I would munch all day, and eat out at least once a day, sometimes every meal. Now, I usually only eat two meals a day- a late breakfast and dinner when The Knight gets home, and I am literally running for a lot of my day.
When it all comes down to it, I have seen what a miraculous gift our bodies are. Our bodies (as women) can do amazing and blessed things. Carrying a child is a beautiful ability, albeit hard and painful at times. And I wouldn't change it for the world... saggy boobs and all! :)

So what is your baby weight story?


  1. Okay so even though I haven't had my baby YET, I'm so glad you posted this! I've struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember... and I no doubt weigh more than I ever have in my life (I'm HUGE) but this gives me hope that I can get back to a weight that I may be happy at. A couple of years ago I was able to reach my goal weight - a weight I couldn't even achieve/maintain while in high school (and constantly working out) - but I did it simply by eating/living a healthy lifestyle and working out. The more weight I lost, the better I felt and the more I felt motivated to BE ACTIVE. While I know I will never get my "pre-baby" body back, I hope that I will find a good balance... After this baby is born I have a LONG ways to go - but I am definitely planning on packing sweats to the hospital for coming home. I think it will be tough to lose weight around the holidays... but I'm going to try! Also - I can't believe you gained more weight with your second - you look so tiny! Oh - I'm also super excited you started this blog!

    1. I'm so glad you found this helpful! I've really started focusing on a healthier lifestyle, and I know that is a big part of regaining (pun intended;)...) a healthy weight. It is definitely a big worry, along with many others while being pregnant, but its 100% worth it! :)

  2. My story was backwards from yours. Before I got married, I found out I had food issues. I lost a lot of weight while they tried to figure out what foods were causing my problems, and so I was still underweight when I got pregnant 18 months later. My boss told me that being pregnant saved my life--I'm not sure it was that serious. But I gained a lot of weight (50 lbs.) with my first pregnancy and it took a LONG time to get it off--I had to stop nursing and start sleeping through the night (a year after Brinlee was born) before it came off. I didn't gain anywhere near as much with my second pregnancy, and my baby weight came off a lot faster the second time. I agree with you, though, that there are some parts of my body (I used to have a flat stomach and I think that's gone forever, not to mention my stretch marks that I will keep forever as souvenirs) that will never be the same, but I think I'd rather have stretch marks and love handles and kids than none of the above.

    1. I totally agree, Alesia! I too consider my stretch marks as souvenirs... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

  3. My weight gain/loss has been almost the same for my 2 kids. Gain 25-30, lose about 20 the week after birth. The last 5 won't budge until I wean, and I've actually been trying hard to get rid of it this time around! It takes me a long time to get back to my normal size (inches-wise), but I can still wear my normal jeans pretty soon after birth. I just have extra flab around the belly. It's totally depressing at times, but I do my best to suck it in. :)
