Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I've been thinking of starting a public blog for some time now, and I've finally decided to do it... yay for me!
Hopefully I can write about all the things I've thought about writing on mommying, and all things related to it. Get it? On Mommying? Well at least I hope it works that way. If there is one thing I know FOR SURE about mommying, its that nothing is for sure. Circumstances, needs, wants, and attitudes are always changing around my house. So here's to hoping! Check out my 'about me' page to get to know a little more about me and my wonderful little family. Hang around for a while, and for golly sake... gimme some comments! I'd love to hear what you want me to blog about. What trials and triumphs have you had in being a mother?


  1. This is AWESOME, I didn't know you were thinking of doing this!! I am excited to follow you and read often!! Good job sister!!

  2. Yeah, I've had it as a rough draft since July. I just always would think, "Yeah, that should go on my new blog!" and then never do anything... so hopefully it works out the way I have it envisioned! Thank you!

  3. Wow! I don't know how I missed that you started a new blog. I like it!
