Monday, January 14, 2013

On Resolutions

Well, its already half-way through January... have you been keeping your New Year's Resolutions?
I really enjoy making new resolutions each year, but rarely completely fulfill all of them. They are usually filled with good intentions, but I guess its just hard for me to find the motivation. I tried to make really attainable goals this year, so blog followers, YOU can hold me accountable!
Here are my goals for the wonderfully lucky year of 2013...
  1. Be better organized. -this includes my kids' room, kitchen, and all our paperwork... my three organizational challenges.
  2. Get our food storage up-to-date. -72-hour kits, 3-month supply, and longer term storage included.
  3. Budgeting. -we are generally good at CREATING a budget, just not STICKING to one.
  4. Intentional teaching. -be more active in intentionally teaching my children.
  5. Be more unified. -as a couple, as a family, and as a member of my church.
  6. Get fit. -I don't plan on becoming pregnant for a couple more years, so I want to really focus on getting my body healthy again. This includes exercising 3 times a week (even if its just walking my kiddos to the park... that totally counts in my book!), eating 5 vegan meals a week (I normally do eat 3 or 4 vegan meals), and eating more healthy in general.  
  7. Attend the temple 12 times this year.
Not too difficult, right? I sure hope not!

What about you? What are your goals for the new year?


  1. Those are great goals! You eat vegan? Totally intimidated by that. Do you have any favorite recipes or websites? Good advice?!

    1. I am in no way a vegan, it's just my way of getting more fruits and veggies incorporated in my eating because I'm soooo bad at that! It's mostly just things like smoothies, veggie wraps, salad and soups. We occasionally try an actual vegan recipe, but not very often.

  2. 8. Run a half marathon with my older sister
    9. Visit my older sister more
    10. Skype with my older sister at least once a week
    11. Shopping trip to Salt Lake/Park City (with my older sister)

    Good goals Kollie!! They ALL seem totally legit and I will make sure you stick to them!!! :)

  3. Love your goals! We try to eat vegan/vegetarian quite a bit too, glad we're not alone:)

  4. I love #7 I totally take for granted the fact that we live 5 minutes away from the temple!
